our response to recent events


Recent events have shaken our nation and provoked outrage, unrest, and anxiety.

We mourn the death of George Floyd and others who've unjustly lost their lives. We lament with our black neighbors for whom such injustice has long been a daily reality, and we ask God for repentance for our nation. Let us pray as God leads us in greater prayer and love as we heal together.



Welcome to Klesis

Klesis Christian Fellowship is a campus club open to all UC Berkeley students. We're all about connecting with God and with each other throughout our college journeys and beyond.

We are taking precautions in light of the coronavirus pandemic. Though we can no longer meet in person at this time, we’re committed to continue to stay connected and do life together

Incoming Student?

Welcome to Cal! Get connected with us!

CLICK HERE to get helpful tips & info about Cal
and mentorship. Go Bears!


special sunday service

6/14 at 1:30PM

vision 2020

Vision is starting this Tuesday, June 8th! Check your inboxes on Monday, June 1, to see which cohort you will be part of and when you are meeting!

Klesis weekly

Join us every WEDNESDAY from 8:00 - 8:45PM for Alpha Online!