Join us for our church's annual Thanksgiving Retreat as we thank God for all He's done within our ministry this past year! All of our Berkeley ministries will be gathering together to listen to stories from our church plants and members as they testify to how God has worked in their lives. It'll be a time of fellowship with our whole Berkeley church, at HB in Alameda. We'll end the retreat with our annual Thanksgiving Celebration, where each ministry group will be performing. Make sure to tell a staff, if you'd like to join.
▸ Fri 11/8 7:30PM @ HB | TR Day 1 - Rides at 6 PM from Underhill Haste
▸ Sat 11/9 9AM @ HB | TR Day 2 - Rides by class
▸ Sun 11/10 10AM @ HB | TR Day 3 - Rides by class