For God So Loved the World

Good to be back, updating our Klesis 2 blog about all the weekly happenings for our Homegroup. This week, we were again enjoying the generosity and hospitality of the Klesis House residents who opened their home for us! Attach20883_20170123_105205

After a competitive, grueling winter break full of knowledge and wisdom through our Klesis Homegroup 2 Winter Reading Challenge, the girls emerged victorious by the slimmest of margins. As losers, the guys were assigned this past Friday night to be the official food preparation team for the Bible study. And being the honorable men that they are, the brothers delivered on their debt and beyond, concocting a brilliant hotpot dinner, with abundance of meat and soup left over.






After what was undoubtedly the best dinner of the entire year for Homegroup 2 and a preposterous game of Mad Gab, Kevin H reminded us of the significance of the oft-quoted verse, John 3:16, a verse that can be easily taken for granted. We were able to delve into the significance of being loved beyond the standard view of love as a flowery, romantic, and often short-lived emotion. God's love, as displayed in the entire chapter, is sacrificial and unconditional, as the love of a parent towards a child. Thankfully, this verse also became a clear beacon for our misconceptions of God that might personally affect the way we live our Christian lives, whether we mistakenly view God as tyrannical, a pushover, or indifferent. Really appreciate the way that Kevin took an old and familiar Bible verse and shed new light on it!

Afterwards, the girls graciously prepared awesome waffles for dessert, as our homegroup just hung out at Klesis House, playing different board and card games as we were all excited just to see each other again. Looking forward to an awesome spring semester with Klesis 2!


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