Chasing Treasure
After a hard week of school, with some of us battling through our first midterms (good job CS61A students!), it was great to see everyone and gather again for our last installment of our Chasing message series: Chasing Treasure. Meeting up in Hearst Field Annex 1, which felt more like a nice movie theater than a lecture hall (so much leg room!), we were able to hear from Kevan speak on a couple passages in Matthew 13, of people who discovered something so precious, a treasure so valuable, that they went with joy to chase after it while dropping everything they had. They take decisive action to grab ahold of something that they see as desirable and worth it all. And isn't that what all our lives are about? Finding that one thing to pour into and give it our all?
Kevan was able to provide many examples of things that we chase after in real life, treasures that we often see the world proclaim as worthy to be devoted to, things like romance, career, gaming, and popularity. But do they really measure up to be the treasure of our lives? Is it possible that we may not recognize something to be truly valuable, and we end up missing out on something amazing? These are questions Kevan posed to us as we came to the conclusion of our Chasing series.
Afterwards, for hanging out afterwards, we split up into smaller groups. Some of us went bowling. Maybe no perfect games, but I'm sure new talents were discovered and there was much joy even among the gutter balls.
Some of us went to laser tag. The freshmen guys started to rally together and discover that fighting as a team is so much more fun than fighting alone. But in the end, it wasn't quite enough to beat the seniors and staff.
Others headed off to Fenton's Creamery, Durant Loft for games and Iron Chef challenges: all tons of fun in their own ways. Hope to see you next week!