Frosh-Hosted Bible Study

This past week, the freshmen of HomeGroup 2 worked hard together to host their very first Friday night Bible study!  Each committee--food, ambiance, games--put their heads together and worked hard to make the night awesome. Marvy and Chris made very riveting MC's!


Thank you, food team, for the excellent red Thai curry... (better than Berkeley Thai House??)

Thank you, games team, for a riveting edition of telephone charades.  In pairs, we valiantly tried to convey something about daydreaming about being Beyonce before a meteor hit the stadium she was singing in.  Needless to say, none of the teams' charades in the end looked like that.

Kevin H. led us in our first inductive Bible study through John 5.  In our small groups, we discussed what sort of "pools" people believe will heal them (thanks, ambiance team, for sparking ideas over dinner with your candy response jars!).  Although the common belief is that wealth, security, or good grades might bring people satisfaction, Jesus' ability to heal demonstrated that God desires to be our great physician.


We piled into cars post-Bible study to Pier 39, where we played the "7D Experience" and took down Gigamon. Eric K blasted us out of the water as he cruised into 1st place with 110,000 points.



See ya next time!


KleTwoMegan H1 Comment