The Door (just one) and Tagging Lasers
Last Friday, we shook it up and met at Harbor Bay for Bible study! Thanks to the newly minted service crew and cooking crew, we had a hearty menu--sun-dried tomato chicken carbonara, arugula salad, and garlic toast.
Afterwards, we split up after dinner to discipleship and inductive Bible study. Homey...
During Bible study, James H helped us think through the Bible passage for the day, John 10, as we got in small groups and focused on a specific aspect of Jesus as the "door." We also discussed other 'false' doors people may be putting their hopes in to get to heaven. Each of the three groups put on short skits to demonstrate a certain aspect of the passage.
Through it all, we learned that, although there are 'thieves' of our world who seek to destroy, Jesus is our good shepherd to come and give us live through his own death on our behalf.
Post-Bible study, the frosh bros carefully rearranged Building B-Left from a warm, home-y environment into a rather intense laser tag shooting grounds. It may or may not have involved a fog machine...