A Sugary Sweet Time in San Francisco // Klesis Juniors TFN

Tonight’s event at First Pres church was an awesome TFN hosted by the senior class of Koinonia, Klesis, Make New, and A2F combined! There was music, there was drama, there was fun, there was action, there were great video productions and there was a great message about Jesus and the demon-possessed man by Isaiah!

With that thrilling production behind us, we headed into our respective cars off to The City. There is a piercing statue of a bow and arrow next to the Bay Bridge, and we stopped by there to play some glow-in-the-dark ULTIMATE frisbee. After the NorCal + International Team demolished the mediocre SoCal team, we transitioned into a monster game of Giants, Wizards, Elves.


To end off the night, we drove over to flavorite: Ghirardelli Square!! , and had some delicious desserts with some downright dandy dudes. I think the quote of the night was “Brain Freeze!”… Overall, the ice cream and chocolate was sweetly ent-icing.

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