Sean McDowell Visits UC Berkeley
Earlier this month, we had the honor of welcoming Sean McDowell to our campus. Sean is a good friend of our ministry out here in Berkeley, so we were really glad we got to reconnect and that he was able to bless our campus! He is also the author of over twenty books, a professor at the Talbot School of Theology at Biola, and a well-respected speaker who has addressed a range of challenging intellectual topics.
In collaboration with A2F and Koinonia in Berkeley, we hosted Sean and he gave a compelling guest lecture on why a thoughtful person on a spiritual quest should start by investigating Christianity. He shared a bit of his personal story and gave four clear reasons why a religious journey should start with Christianity.
Christianity is testable
Its offer is completely free (grace based, not works based)
You can actually live as if Christianity is true aligns with our experience of reality
Christianity has Jesus at the center
The event was attended by many students! After Sean’s presentation, we had a Q&A where Sean addressed some questions that different students had ranging from the origins of the universe to the existence of pain and suffering. Some of our own college students also prepared “tough questions” stations for attendees to come and investigate different topics, including the reliability of the Bible, the historicity of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and the compatibility of science and faith, just to name a few.
It was a thought provoking night that spurred lots of meaningful conversations. We’re thankful for the opportunity to put on something like this and encourage people to seek truth as they seek meaning for their lives!