Looking back with 2020 Vision
“ Thought-provoking, exciting, rewarding, inspiring, profound”
Add this to the litany of descriptors for these past 10 weeks of Vision 2020, an online teaching program offering deep dives into various gospels, epistles, old testament scriptures, biblical theology, and even a scientific apologetic. Many Klesis students bulked up on insights and newfound appreciation for these topics, which they share below.
Nina, one of the rising seniors in Klesis, majoring in Molecular and Cell Biology, said of A Scientific Apologetic, “this class has opened my eyes to a lot of common misconceptions regarding science and faith. In particular, science is a powerful tool to help us understand the world, but it’s ultimately unable to answer questions of meaning and purpose.” Chris, a rising junior also in this course added, “[it] presents a very strong case for humility in knowledge. This is a basic principle for uncovering truth that goes unheard both in religious and scientific contexts.”
Cohort discussions also provided a chance to connect with one another, as well as consolidate content together. Nina particularly enjoyed reconciling the ostensible conflict between her faith and inner scientist by “being able to discuss ideas and debate theories within my cohort. Everyone is respectful, curious, and excited to learn about even seemingly obscure topics in science.”
One of our rising juniors in CNR and Haas, Madeleine, enrolled in A Historical Overview of Christianity and Christian Thought. She shared despite her natural aversion to learning about history, it was “cool to see how the Gospel has been clarified and passed down through the years,” as the material covers the formation of the church from the first 100 years after Jesus’ resurrection to the Reformation.
Students also gained a greater handle on scriptural context and content. Lily, a rising junior studying Mathematics, chose to survey the major and minor prophets, saying, “I’m encouraged to imitate the prophets in being faithful bearers of truth.” Isaac, a rising senior studying Economics, likewise voiced appreciation for this study through the Gospel of John, saying, “it gives me greater appreciation for Jesus and also confidence in him because it goes through how Jesus is the messiah and the fulfiller of many prophecies from the Old Testament.”
We’re so thankful for all the hard work that was put into these enriching courses. True to its name, Vision 2020 has given newfound clarity and appreciation for just how much there still is to learn. So with the wrap up of these courses, fall right around the corner, and the humble heart that transforms knowledge into wisdom, we’ll end with this exhortation and benediction, fiat lux!
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