Klesis Freshman Retreat Recap

A couple weekends ago the Klesis Freshman went on a fun and memorable retreat where we stayed up in the Santa Cruz mountains at one of our favorite sites Mount Hermon. Throughout the weekend, Isaiah shared messages from the life of Peter, encouraging us to get out of our boats and live a bold life following Jesus.

frosh retreat

James and Sam also gave a stirring message on the picture of the Acts 2 Church, sharing about how they’ve personally experienced a Christ-centered community in college, with friends freely giving their money to help them in times of need and opening up their homes and lives. They reminded us all that the church is not just limited to a place, but is a group of people.

On top of the messages, we had fun playing games like human foosball and an action-packed version of zombie tag, with people going all out to get the zombies out. Saturday night we had a cozy bonfire at the beach and sang some classic campfire songs while enjoying some yummy smores.

To end our time together, Isaiah shared about the importance of sticking together in college and read from Ecclesiastes 4:12, “And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Each person was given a three cord rope key chain as a reminder that Christian life isn’t meant to be lived alone and to instead be lived in community.

We had a great time and are looking forward to our next freshman trip to Monterey! For more information on the trip, checkout our webpage or contact a Klesis freshman staff.

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