Final Kle-2 Summer HomeGroup!
This past Friday, Kle2 met at the new grad sisters' house for our final HomeGroup gathering of the summer. We had a delicious seared-baked pineapple chicken, salad, and pad see ew. Mmmm...
Afterwards, Will shared his thoughts on the day's devotions, Ephesians 2, and encouraged us to recount the treasure of the gospel message we have been given. As we read through an excerpt from the book We Would See Jesus, Kevin reminded us of the importance of centering our hearts on the gospel as we went to meet new students for Welcome Week. We sang a few songs and prayed for the upcoming school year, and that we would have the precious opportunity to share the love of God with our campus.
Afterwards, our welcome week flyers were handed out! Check out these circular flyers. If you are a-round for Welcome Week, definitely come and join us for one of our welcome nights :)
We each grabbed a stack to take with us, then hung out and snacked on some fruit and chip dip until it was time to head home for the night. We are excited to welcome any and all new students as we enter into the fall semester's FIRST HomeGroup kickoff this Friday. See you there!