Home Group Bible Study & Berkeley Scavenger Hunt
This past Friday, HG3 continued our message series, Encounters with Jesus, and looked at the encounter in Mark 2, where Jesus heals a paralytic. Ander gave the message with some help from five of the senior brothers, who re-enacted a hilarious version of the paralytic's friends deciding to take the paralytic to Jesus, breaking the roof of Jesus' house, and lowering the paralytic down to Jesus, in the hopes that Jesus would heal him. Throughout the message, Ander encouraged us to grow in our own faith in who Jesus is, to do it with one another so that we can mutually encourage and strengthen each other, and to not let anything prevent or distract us from doing so. Afterwards, we stayed true to being a UC Berkeley campus ministry by hitting the Berkeley campus with an intense photo/video scavenger hunt! Six teams scattered across every corner of the campus, following coordinates to craftily hidden QR codes, which then directed each team to take a photo or create a video based on the prompt given by scanning the code. All the photos and videos were tagged #berkeley_klesis3 on Instagram, feel free to head over and peruse the sillyness! We gathered at Durant Loft after the hunt, where winning teams were decided based on the entries for each prompt, and afterwards we enjoyed some dessert and board games!
Join us next week for some more great times!