Dinner of the East, Snacks of the West
Last Friday, Klesis Homegroup 2 made a trip to our newest venue at McSherry House, thanks to the hospitality of Zsarynne. For dinner, we had some real, authentic Korean kimchi pancakes, prepared by none other than our most ethnically strong Koreans, Eric and Sarah! Good work on those pancakes! They were one of the main entrees for dinner, and they did not disappoint at all, thanks to the hard work of the Koreans of our homegroup.
After dinner, we were at Harbor Bay for another Bible study with Pastor Ed, as he really challenged each of us and where our hearts lie in relation to receiving feedback and being instructed. As he preached on 1 Thessalonians 4, we could see how our own hearts were so resistant towards instruction, that it was such a shame that we were robbing ourselves from the gift that others were trying to provide for us.
With these nuggets of wisdom given to us through God's word, we went back to McSherry House for a night of true American snacks, surrounding our fire pit with skewers of marshmallows for good, old-fashioned smores. While some braved the outside cold beside the fire, others enjoyed the comfort of the indoors, choosing to participate in thrilling matches of Codenames. Overall, a great balance to the Korean dinner!
See you next time!