Jargon about John n Jeopardy.. no joke
This past Friday, we kicked off the beginning of spring break with some sweet Kle2 HomeGroup time! It served well as a recap time for this spring's Bible studies--starting with the moment Kevin announced a competitive John Jeopardy-off! Which is roughly the time that cramming commenced, now that I think of it...
Fortunately, the juniors jogged our memories with an enthusiastic rap through chapters 1-15. They gave AMP a run for their money, I think.
After much back-and-forth, we faced off with the classic teams of gals against gals. Many furrowed eyebrows, racing heartbeats, and tug-of-war frisbee fights ensued as each team pair wracked their brains about the Samaritan woman, Nicodemus, miracles, "I am" statements, and "Where exactly was that verse again?"
For the first time in the history of Kle2, the guys pulled the victory! Way to go.
Once in the Bible, Jesus said, "Come forth and receive eternal life." But John came in fifth and received a toaster instead.
I'm just kidding about that, Jesus neither said that nor was that cruel to John for coming in a place other than fourth. The kingdom of heaven is for everyone, people--keep on reading the book of John to find that out.
Hope your spring breaks were well and restful! See you at HomeGroup tonight:)