Rock! Paper! Repentance!

After stealthily making our way through a very quiet suburb, we were welcomed to a host of Kle 3 juniors and Kle 2 sophomores! For one rambunctious night, we merged to form the ultimate home-group: Kle 5 (2+3). Led by Nick and Erin, we learned a new game: Mok-Chi-Ba. Or in English, Rock-Paper-Scissors with an added twist. We even learned some Korean in the process! Players lined up to face a circuit of opponents in order to make it all the way up to the royalty.


The king, queen, and court jester had a lot of fun (ab)using their powers, even making the challenger bow down until it was *just right*.


Our Kle5 Special continued with a delicious dinner of dish-it-yourself bibimbap. Yum!


Then the two home-groups separated to continue our respective discipleship studies.  Kle2 further divided by LifeGroup to continue our dive into Course201 -"Repentance".

This week we talked about how our pride, desire to self-atone, and distrust of grace keep us from being able to heal our relationship with God through honesty.  Ultimately, when we try to "fix it ourselves"-- or even "fix ourselves"-- we leave God out of the picture. Forgiveness is relational and so is repentance. Therefore, only through turning to God with a desire to mend our relationship can we experience the joy of grace!

We also addressed some of our misconceptions about repentance-- skit-style. From one sister receiving loving advice that her "ego needs to die" in order to see that repentance doesn't have to be gloomy, to a sister with really dirty feet who begins to understand that out of love Jesus wants to clean her daily, we cleared up our misconceptions with a little bit of humor and a lot of personality.

At the end of the night, we enjoyed brownies while playing the fishbowl game. Taboo resulted in a lot of flustered expressions and big laughs!


Charades and "one-word" were even more ridiculous as we tried to decipher phrases like "fuzzy Chinese pen" and "Sprite slight spite".


The evening ended with grateful stomachs and full hearts, as we made our ways back to Berkeley.

See you next time!
