Another Re-Mark-Able Friday


This past Friday, the sophomores from Kle2 joined us as we began our bible study series through the book of Mark. Kevan H., John K, and Alex K. each shared about Mark 1, highlighting a different section. Kevan shared about the significance of the word Gospel, literally translating into "good news" and how the coming of Jesus was just that. Splitting off into smaller groups, we each had an opportunity to hear from older staff and senior brothers as they shared different stories from their spiritual journey.

At the end of the night, we headed out to a fun time of fellowship through bowling. Each team was comprised of a mix of freshmen, sophomores, seniors and staff. Though we aren't bowling pros by any means, we sure had a lot of fun pretending to be :)


Thankful that we get to spend another semester with each other and for the web of relationships we've been blessed with, both old and new! Join us along for another Re-Mark-Able Friday at our next Klesis Weekly.

Kailey M.Rhg3Comment