Home Group & Mini-Golf
On Friday, Klesis 3 from Klesis Berkeley Christian Fellowship met at Wurster Hall for Home Group and to hear more from our message series, "Encounters with Jesus." Nick covered the passage in Luke 5, where Simon Peter, a fisherman, first meets Jesus. Jesus asks to come on Simon's boat so that he could teach about the word of God to the multitude of people pressing in on him. When Jesus finishes teaching, he tells Simon to move deeper into the water and cast out his nets. Simon and the rest of the fisherman had actually toiled all of the previous night, and had caught nothing. It was at this time that Nick asked us, "Was there a time in your life where you toiled all night, and came up empty?" Some of the Klesis seniors shared their stories of pouring their heart and souls into academics, gaming, and prospective career. Each one emerged empty, disillusioned, or unsatisfied with the result of their hard work. If their hopes had failed them, where else did they have left to go?
Coming back to Simon and Jesus, Simon hears Jesus, a mere teacher, tell him when to fish. Simon is an expert fisherman, and hearing those words would have offended most fisherman. But the shocking fact is that Simon actually listens to Jesus. He puts his boat out, and catches enough fish to fill two boats to the point of sinking!
Now, this is not to say that following Jesus will always result in material gain. But maybe listening to Jesus will lead us to places where our efforts should be invested. Simon listened, and from the catch he recognized that Jesus was something more than human. In Jesus' presence he was a sinful man. What kind of man was this Jesus?
After the message, Klesis 3 went out to enjoy some mini-golf at Castro Valley. Determined to keep us on our toes, Ander challenged us to play the holes with the handle of our clubs, racing to finish the hole in 30 seconds, and even facing backwards! Afterwards, we finished off the night eating out.
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