This past Sunday, Klesis Christian Fellowship gathered at Durant Loft for the last segment of the Defining Moments series. Kevan gave the message from Exodus 2 and 3, highlighting the stark difference between impulsively zealous prince Moses in chapter 2 and disheartened nobody Moses in chapter 3. The forty years he spent in the wilderness between chapters 2 and 3 had definitely taken their toll. All this time, however, had not simply slipped by under the sadistic eye of an uncaring God.
Kevan took us through God's conversation with Moses at the burning bush and also shared from his own 'wilderness' experience. This wilderness time, had, in fact, been allowed so that Moses' sense of 'Ima do the delivering myself' could be burned away.
Only then was Moses' heart state such that God could step in to do - through Moses - what it'd take to rescue this large slave population from the most powerful nation of that time. Later chapters reveal that this took showdowns at the Nile, a lot of abnormal weather, and a whole sea parting - amongst other events that the chapter 2 Moses never, ever had in his personal deliverance plan.
In retrospect, God had a plan all along. He saw Moses' initial honorable resolve - incompetent implementation and all - and did what it took to see it through to effective realization. Yeah, like with Moses, in order to get us there He might allow rough 'wilderness' times with no seeming rhyme, reason, or end in sight, but no, the truth is that we can trust the work God is doing in our lives. He has this track record of trustworthiness :) Kevan then gave us some time to let this sink in and reflect on its application.
After the message, Kat gave an announcement concerning the arrival of new DL stickers, which, after acquisition, allows one to come to DL during weekdays to study, meet up with people, or just hang out. Awesome. They're selling $20 for upperclassmen and $10 for freshmen. (Dues go to maintaining DL)
Eric here expressing how hype I feel about the new Klesis shirts and dl stickers currently available.