Friday Night and IRON CHEF!!

Last Friday, Kle2 met in Alameda for dinner and Bible study! After a quick dinner we headed to HB for a Bible study on 2 Corinthians from Pastor Daniel. In the Bible study, Pastor Daniel talked about the fact that Apostle Paul doesn't spend time refuting false teaching when addressing the false apostles who are influencing the Corinthians -- rather, he criticizes the false apostles' worldliness and desire for power. We can see that a hypocritical life, regardless whether or not one's teachings are correct, can make one a false teacher! Another point Pastor Daniel talked about was that Paul considered his physical sufferings as very much part of his résumé as an apostle. Though we do not go through nearly the same kinds of sufferings as Paul, we can participate in suffering with Paul and our Christian brothers and a sisters around the world in a small way by embracing the daily sufferings we go through in Christian life.  After Bible study we had an Iron Chef dessert competition! Kle2 split up into 3 different teams to create the best dessert possible using available ingredients and a special required ingredient: tea!


Posing with the secret ingredient!


The team leaders were not allowed to speak in English. Nicole had to use a strange combination of Japanese and other languages to communicate with her team!


A team and their finished product!


In the end we had a panel of judges (Kevin, Will, Dasol and myself) judge the creations! Everyone worked hard given the ingredients and time crunch, and we had some surprisingly pleasant entries :)

Hope to see you next time!