Kle1 Committee Updates

Greetings Kle1! Here is an update from our committee team leads about what their teams have been up to recently... WORD The Word Committee's goal is to motivate our HG to study the Bible more, both in depth and in breadth. We want to encourage people to read the Bible more closely, but we also want people to know more generally what the many stories and lessons of the Bible are. To do this, our committee is reading and discussing two-ish shorter books/parts of longer books from the Bible each week. One of us will choose two books every week and explain why we want to read/study these two books together as a HG. We're also going to try to motivate the rest of our home group to read, learn, and share, by promoting weekly team-based challenges for studying the Bible. Our individual studies of these chosen books will culminate in a BIBLE OLYMPICS near the end of the semester -- STAY TUNED!


This semester the design committee is hoping to use their artistic talents to add a range of elements to Friday Bible studies that can make the over all experience more engaging. We want to create an environment that is relaxing for our students and provide visual stimuli whether that be object lessons or sermon related props to aid the message and help students better understand what's being spoken about from the word of God. Although our committee is not doing something 'spiritual' per say we hope that these little additions to bible studies on Fridays will be a source of encouragement for the speaker and something that gives the students food for thought. While this is a newer committee we hope that this can be a start to something that grows into something meaningful for the committee members and all our Homegroup!

EVANGELISM Hi everyone! Our committee’s goal is to break down the barriers to evangelism by equipping our homegroup and providing consistent easy-to-join opportunities to go out and share the Gospel. Throughout the semester, we hope to provide weekly training times as well as moments to go out with us onto campus to share about our Father.

PRAYER The Prayer Team's goal is to be a source of encouragement and reference for our homegroup to go to God in prayer.  Our hopes for our homegroup is that we would all grow closer to God by talking to Him more and depending on Him for all our concerns and grow in love and maturity by praying for others.  We're setting up a Google Drive folder to be a resource to help you pray: like verses, examples of prayers, prayer topics, and answers to questions about prayer.  And that's just the beginning—look out for more!


The PR team consists of blog updates, publications, announcements, and welcome team. However, apart from the nitty-gritty of publicizing and relating, the vision for the team is to be able to provide a tighter community and family within our homegroup. Through different platforms like blog, media, or even the welcome table, the PR team's goal is to be the forefront communication across other teams, our homegroup, and the people that we are trying to reach with the gospel.

KleOneKara KoymatsuComment